暗証キー (英数字8文字以内)
白浜町・マップ28:W7 白浜の泥岩岩脈


In Gongenzaki, mudstone dikes with muddy lower layers intruding into the upper layers of the Tanabe Group develop. At the time of the formation of the Tanabe Group, mud deep underground was liquefied in the wake of an earthquake, and it is thought to be a dike extending from the mud diapir that cut into the upper strata. It is a valuable place where you can observe mudstone dikes three-dimensionally from the wave-cut platform to the sea cliff.

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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 22:00 No.202 [返信・追加]


You can see the uncorfomity between the Otonashi River prism and the Kumano Group. The Kumano Group is a stratum deposited in the forearc basin formed on the Otonashi River accretionary prism, and there is a time gap of more than 30 million years between them. The Otonashi River accretionary prism is a muddy alternating layer, and the Kumano Group is a conglomerate / sandstone layer. There is an outcrop along the forest road connecting the villages of Sasabi and Kuju.

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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 21:47 No.198 [返信・追加]
新宮市・マップ23:N1 篠尾川渓谷


It is a valley where the Otonashi River accretionary prism is distributed. You can see alternating layers of sandstone and mudstone deposited in the submarine fan of the trench, crush zones associated with accretionary prism thrusts (low-angle reverse faults), and folds. In the area where the mudstone layer is distributed, the valley width is wide due to lateral erosion, and the village of Sasabi is formed.


うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 21:43 No.197 [返信・追加]
新宮市・マップ22:N2 椋呂(むくろ)の火成岩 


The geological boundary of rhyolite (granodiorite) formed from the Kumano Group and the magma that penetrates it is exposed. It is a sheet-shaped igneous rock vein formed by magma penetrating at a low angle. Columnar joints develop on the rock wall of the Kumano River (Mt. Yotsume) due to the contraction of magma during cooling, forming a characteristic landscape in the Kumano River canyon. It is the southernmost body of Omine granitic rocks distributed along the Omine Mountains.


うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 21:40 No.196 [返信・追加]


It is a shrine without a shrine building where Shiko valley joins the Kumano River. It enshrines the giant rocks on the hillside formed by the collapse of the thick sandstone layer in the upper part of the Kumano Group deposited in the forearc basin. Since the coal seam of the Kumano coalfield is displaced, it is estimated that a fault will pass in the east-west direction around this area, and it is possible that a collapse occurred along this fault.

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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 21:31 No.194 [返信・追加]
新宮市・マップ17:N13 小雲取越(kogumotorigoe)


It is a Kumano pilgrimage route that connects Koguchi to Hongucho Ukegawa, Tanabe City. In the Shingu city area, there are many places that pass through the predominant zone of mudstone of the Kumano Group, and a gentle old road continues compared to Okumo Tokoshi, which crosses rhyolite (granodiorite) made of magma.

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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 19:41 No.186 [返信・追加]
Re: 新宮市・マップ17:N13 小雲取越(kogumotorigoe)
It is a Kumano pilgrimage route that connects Koguchi to Ukegawa in Hongu Town, Tanabe. In the Shingu city area, there are many places that pass through the predominant zone of mudstone of the Kumano Group geological layer, and a smooth old road continues compared to the steep Ogumo Torigoe, which crosses the rhyolite layer (granodiorite) made of magma.

J先 2022/01/20(Thu) 21:04 No.191
新宮市・マップ16:N9 谷口の石炭層


It is a coal layer with a thickness of about 20 cm sandwiched between the upper layers of the Kumano Group. Coal has a metallic luster and is easily distinguishable from other formations. This coal layer is a coal layer that was mined by the nearby Mikuma Coal Mine, but the area between them is cut by a fault. Seven coal mines in the Kumano coalfield were operating in this area.

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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 19:39 No.185 [返信・追加]


It is a shrine without a shrine on the banks of the Akagi River. A shrine without a shrine is one of the characteristics of the sanctuary in Nanki Kumano. It enshrines a group of giant stones on the banks of the river, which was formed by the collapse of the thick sandstone formation of the Kumano Group. This thick sandstone layer is the upper sandstone layer of the Kumano Group deposited in the forearc basin. Around the end of the Taisho era, it was enshrined at Takakura Shrine at Hitari.

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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 19:37 No.184 [返信・追加]


The anti-road entrance, smelter ruins, and slag deposits, which are thought to be before the modern mining industry, remain on the left bank of Shirikendani. The yakimono used for ore smelting is lined up in an orderly manner with 10 units in the upper and lower stages, and there are traces of 4 units in the 2nd stage on the upstream side. The record that Nachi's copper was presented to Toyotomi Hideyoshi's "Tensho Tsuho" is the first record that remains today.

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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 18:20 No.169 [返信・追加]


It is a boulder dedicated to eight people who were sacrificed by the debris flow that occurred in the late Edo period (1846). This boulder itself is rhyolite (granodiorite) that has flowed down due to debris flow. In the Irokawa area, there are records of eight debris flow disasters that have occurred since the middle of the Edo period.

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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 18:19 No.168 [返信・追加]


Many terraced rice fields have been built using weathered core stones such as rhyolite (granodiorite) that flowed down as a debris flow. The area where the rice terraces are built is the distribution area of the Kumano Group, where the slope is relatively gentle.

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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 18:17 No.167 [返信・追加]


It is said that the hot spring was naturally welling up along the Ichimai-iwa arc until the 1946 Showa Nankai earthquake, and the square well-shaped stonework remained and was used like a footbath. The surrounding bedrock is rhyolite pyroclastic rock, and the characters "Yakushi Nyorai" and Buddhist statues are engraved on it, indicating that it has been used as a hot spring resort for a long time.

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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 18:15 No.166 [返信・追加]


It is a waterfall with a head of about 4m that exists in the Tsuga River in Kushimoto Town. It is an artificial waterfall made by excavating the bedrock (mudstone of the Kumano Group) that is currently forming the waterfall in order to change the river channel. It is not certain when the construction will be done, but it is believed that it was completed by the middle of the Meiji era at the latest.

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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 18:14 No.165 [返信・追加]
串本町・マップ102:S3 和深海岸


The alternating layers of sandstone and mudstone, which are alternating layers of sandstone and mudstone, are layers deposited in the alluvial fan of the trench and are called turbidite. Traces (sole marks) indicating the direction of turbulent flow (turbidity current) carrying sand and mud can be seen on the lower surface of the stratum. The coast of Wabuka is a great place to observe the strata of the Muro accretionary prism that forms the basis of the Kii Peninsula.

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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 18:12 No.164 [返信・追加]
串本町・マップ101:S1 サラシ首層


On the wave-cutting platform of Tagoura, boulders are scattered in the mudstone as if "bleached necks" were lined up, so the mudstone layer containing these boulders is called "Sarashi neck layer". It is believed that the Muro accretionary prism on the continental slope collapsed along the fault, flowed on the continental slope as a seafloor debris flow, and deposited on the bottom. In recent years, the idea of using mud diapir bodies or mud volcano eruption deposits has been proposed and controversial.

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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 18:09 No.163 [返信・追加]
串本町・マップ100:S2 江田海岸


Ohechi on the Kumano Kodo runs along this coast. A complex fold structure of alternating layers of sandstone and mudstone of the Muro accretionary prism is observed on the wave-cutting platform. There are also scattered large gravel that may be tsunami stones carried by the tsunami.

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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 18:07 No.162 [返信・追加]
串本町・マップ99:S5 田の崎 


The relationship between strata that have been deposited at different times is called inconsistency. Here, we can observe the inconsistent relationship between the Muro accretionary prism, which forms the basis of the Kii Peninsula, and the Kumano Group of the forearc basin deposits deposited on it. The Kumano accretionary prism was deposited in the trench 50 to 20 million years ago, and was added to and lifted from the land plate by the plate subduction movement, and the Kumano Group was 18 to 15 million in the forearc basin formed on it. Millions of years of plate movement before it begins to deposit years ago are shown in this inconsistency.
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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 18:06 No.161 [返信・追加]
串本町・マップ98:S17 串本海域公園


Due to the influence of the Kuroshio Current, the northernmost table coral ecosystem in the world has been established. In addition to corals, you can also see tropical creatures with records of the northern limit of Japanese distribution. Ramsar Convention Wetlands. The relatively orderly sandstone and mudstone alternating layers of the Kumano Group are exposed on the coastline, and sandstone dikes develop.
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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 18:04 No.160 [返信・追加]


It is a pillar of the arrival of the tsunami of the 1946 Showa Nankai earthquake. The reaching water level of the tsunami (about 7.9m) is shown on the slope of the mountain. The area around the bag has a topographical feature that the tsunami becomes high, and the inundation depth expected by the next huge earthquake in the Nankai Trough is larger than that in the surrounding area.

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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 18:02 No.159 [返信・追加]
串本町・マップ96:S8 潮岬の陸繋島 


Gravel flowing out of the estuary is carried by coastal currents to form sandbars. Shionomisaki was originally an island, but a sandbar grew from the land side toward the offshore Shionomisaki (island), and eventually became a tied island. The part of the sandbar is called Tombolo. The townscape of Kushimoto was created on this sandbar. At the southern end of the sandbar is the Yayoi period Kasashima ruins.

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うえもり う 2022/01/20(Thu) 18:00 No.158 [返信・追加]
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