暗証キー (英数字8文字以内)
上富田町・マップ42:W12 市ノ瀬の河岸段丘


It is the largest terrace in Kamitonda Town with a maximum width of 550m and a length of almost 1km. Five dissected valleys can be confirmed, and there is a reservoir using the topography and a 6km waterway drawn in the 4th year of Tenpo, which is still used for irrigation. Paddy fields and fruit trees are cultivated on the terraces.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 21:12 No.104 [返信・追加]


On the riverbed of the Tonda River in Ichinose, you can see the traces of the river improvement of the Tonda River, which was called the Rampage River, about 450 years ago.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 21:09 No.103 [返信・追加]


It is said that in the former Kumano region, Prince Inabane on the opposite bank of the Tonda River abandoned his horse and was the first to cross the river. It was valued as a place to get rid of water stains, and it was a place for shaving to enter Kumano. It is located in a narrow area of the Tonda River, and is located a little higher than the river.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 20:59 No.102 [返信・追加]
上富田町・マップ39:W12 下鮎川の河岸段丘


The Tonda River in Kamitonda Town does not meander very much and flows through the lowlands of the active fault zone. The Shimoayukawa on the right bank has a small but typical river terrace. This river terrace has three steps, and on the second terrace surface, which is the most widely developed terrace at an altitude of about 65 m, there are many place names that are used as cultivated land and have the characters "hira" and "field".


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 20:57 No.101 [返信・追加]
白浜町・マップ38:W4 志原海岸


Mudstone in the lower layer invades the upper layer of the Tanabe Group deposited in the forearc basin to form a mud diapir. The columnar intrusive rock that was once liquefied deep underground due to an earthquake and cut into the upper stratum is called mud diapir. When it erupts on the seabed or the surface of the earth, it becomes a mud volcano. This world's mud volcano is known for Kumano Nada (seabed) and Niikappu, Hokkaido (land).


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 20:55 No.100 [返信・追加]
白浜町・マップ37:W14 市江崎


Mudstone in the lower layer invades the upper layer of the Tanabe Group deposited in the forearc basin to form a mud diapir. The columnar intrusive rock that was once liquefied deep underground due to an earthquake and cut into the upper stratum is called mud diapir. When it erupts on the seabed or the surface of the earth, it becomes a mud volcano. This world's mud volcano is known for Kumano Nada (seabed) and Niikappu, Hokkaido (land).


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 20:52 No.99 [返信・追加]
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