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It is a hot spring resort that was discovered in the middle of the Edo period when Shirasagi healed a wound on his leg. Like Shirahama Onsen, it is located on the northern extension of the dead tree Nada arc-shaped dike and springs from the upper layer of the Tanabe Group.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 20:50 No.98
白浜町・マップ35:W2  見草崎


The upper layers of the Tanabe Group deposited in the forearc basin are distributed. In Mikusazaki, you can observe the sedimentary structures peculiar to the strata deposited in the shallow sea, such as cross-bedding and ripple marks. In addition, fossils such as shellfish, whales, and crabs have been discovered. On the opposite bank of the harbor, you can also observe the mud diapir, which once had mud rising hundreds of meters in the stratum.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 20:48 No.97
白浜町・マップ34:W6 シガラミ磯


The exquisite striped pattern of the alternating layers of sandstone and mudstone in the upper part of the Tanabe Group deposited in the forearc basin is impressive. Sedimentary structures formed by transporting sand, etc. mainly due to tidal currents and waves develop, and the characteristics of strata deposited in shallow water can be observed. You can also see trace fossils.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 20:46 No.96

宝永地震(1707年)の被害状況、津波襲来時の避難方法を書き記したものです。高瀬村(現 白浜町富田)の村民が津波体験を草堂寺の和尚に依頼して書いてもらい飛鳥神社に奉納したものです。明治42年(1909年)の神社合祀の際に日神社に移管され、その後、富田区で保管されています。

It describes the damage situation of the Hoei earthquake (1707) and the evacuation method when the tsunami hits. The villagers of Takase Village (currently Tonda, Shirahama Town) asked Osho of Sodo-ji Temple to write the tsunami experience and dedicated it to Asuka Shrine. It was transferred to the Nichi Shrine at the time of the shrine ritual in 1909, and has since been stored in Tomita Ward.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 20:43 No.95
白浜町・マップ32:W13 保呂の虫喰岩


This rock wall consists of thick sandstone and conglomerate strata in the upper part of the Tanabe Group, and "worm-eating" weathering is often seen in the conglomerate part. Many dents are densely packed in the rock wall like a honeycomb. This honeycomb-like weathering is called tafoni and is thought to have been caused by the dissolution and precipitation of salts in the formation.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 20:39 No.94
白浜町・マップ31:W10 三段壁


It is a sea cliff with a height of about 50 m formed by a thick sandstone layer in the upper layer of the Tanabe Group deposited in the forearc basin. A sea cave is formed below it. It is located in the northern extension of the dead tree Nada arc-shaped dike, and there are several mine traces around it. There is a part where the ore deposit component exudes from the sandstone layer in the cave and the color changes to brown. The legend of the Kumano Navy remains.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 20:37 No.93
白浜町・マップ30:W3 千畳敷


It is a terrain where the flat seabed (wave-cutting platform) created by wave erosion rises and becomes a marine terrace. The terraced gravel layer can be seen under the parking lot on the land side. In the sandstone layer in the upper part of the Tanabe Group, sedimentary structures and trace fossils peculiar to shallow water can be observed. The sea cave near Senjojiki is the only breeding cave in the Kinki region for bent-wing bats.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 20:33 No.92


It has been called Muro's hot spring since the Asuka period, and it is one of the three oldest hot springs in Japan, and it is a hot spring resort that has a record in the Japanese Shoki. Located on the northern extension of the dead tree Nada arc-shaped dike, it is a high-temperature hot spring that springs from the upper layer of the Tanabe Group and contains sodium hydrogen carbonate as the main component. Most of the source wells are originally self-fountains and are concentrated in the Yuzaki area.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 20:27 No.90
Re: 白浜町・マップ29:白浜温泉
It has been called Muro's hot spring since the Asuka period, and it is one of the three oldest hot springs in Japan, and it is a hot spring resort that has a record in Nihon Shoki 日本書紀. Located on the northern extension of the dead tree Nada arc-shaped dike, it is a high-temperature hot spring that springs from the upper layer of the Tanabe Group and contains sodium hydrogen carbonate as the main component. Most of the source wells are originally self-fountains and are concentrated in the Yuzaki area.
うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 20:30 No.91
新宮市・マップ1:E12 孔島・鈴島


In Suzushima, you can see the characteristic landscape where the sandstone layer of the Muro accretionary prism tilts vertically. Kushima has the Muko accretionary prism and the Kumano Group, and the mismatch between the two can be observed on the south side of the wave-cutting platform and the fault relationship between the two on the east side of the wave-cutting platform. There is a community of uplifted creatures such as Yakkokanzashi on Suzushima, which is known as a trace of uplift caused by the Nankai Trough earthquake. Kushima is a breeding ground for Styan's grasshopper, an international rare bird.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 20:24 No.89
白浜町・マップ28:W7 白浜の泥岩岩脈


In Gongenzaki, mudstone dikes with muddy lower layers intruding into the upper layers of the Tanabe Group develop. At the time of the formation of the Tanabe Group, mud deep underground was liquefied in the wake of an earthquake, and it is thought to be a dike extending from the mud diapir that cut into the upper strata. It is a valuable place where you can observe mudstone dikes three-dimensionally from the wave-cut platform to the sea cliff.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 20:19 No.88
白浜町・マップ27:W9 円月島


This island is a small island (official name is Takashima) that floats in Rinkaiura, 130m north-south, 35m east-west, and 25m high. The entire island is made of relatively new conglomerate that continues from Banshozaki on the north side, and the seafood cave gate is open in the center. The evening view where the setting sun overlaps the seafood cave gate has a taste.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 20:10 No.87
新宮市・マップ26:N5 瀞八丁


The oldest Ryujin accretionary prism is distributed in Nanki Kumano Geopark. The hydrothermal alteration associated with magma activity hardened the rocks of the Ryujin accretionary prism, which became one of the factors that formed the canyon. This is where the borders of Wakayama, Nara, and Mie prefectures meet. A jet ship is sailing between Shiko and Toro-gorge.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 19:42 No.86
新宮市・マップ25:N10 嶋津の筏師の道


The Kitayama River basin is known for its highly skilled rafts, and there was a way for rafts to return to the mountain villages after flowing the rafts to the mouth of the Kumano River. In Shimazu, the road of the swordsman remains well in Nakasu of the Kitayama River, and the road of the swordsman passes over the Itaya fault. The Itaya fault is the geological boundary between the Ryujin accretionary prism and the Kumano Group, and there is a time gap of more than 50 million years between them.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 19:36 No.85


You can see the unconformity between the Otonashi River accretionary prism and the Kumano Group. The Kumano Group is a stratum deposited in the forearc basin formed on the Otonashi River accretionary prism, and there is a time gap of more than 30 million years between them. The Otonashi River accretionary prism is a muddy alternating layer, and the Kumano Group is a conglomerate / sandstone layer. There is an outcrop along the forest road connecting the villages of Sasabi and Kuju.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 19:27 No.84
新宮市・マップ23:N1 篠尾川渓谷


It is a valley where the Otonashi River accretionary prism is distributed. You can see alternating layers of sandstone and mudstone deposited in the submarine fan of the trench, crush zones associated with accretionary prism thrusts (low-angle reverse faults), and folds. In the area where the mudstone layer is distributed, the valley width is wide due to lateral erosion, and the village of Sasabi is formed.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 19:12 No.83
新宮市・マップ22:N2 椋呂の火成岩


The geological boundary of rhyolite (granular porphyry) formed from the Kumano Group and the magma that penetrates it is exposed. It is a sheet-shaped igneous rock vein formed by magma penetrating at a low angle. Columnar joints develop on the rock wall of the Kumano River (Mt. Yotsume) due to the contraction of magma during cooling, forming a characteristic landscape in the Kumano River canyon. It is the southernmost body of Omine granitic rocks distributed along the Omine Mountains.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 19:09 No.82


It is a shrine without a shrine where Shikotani stream joins the Kumano River. It enshrines the giant rocks on the hillside formed by the collapse of the thick sandstone layer in the upper part of the Kumano Group deposited in the forearc basin. Since the coal seam of the Kumano coalfield is displaced, it is estimated that a fault will pass in the east-west direction around this area, and it is possible that a collapse occurred along this fault.

うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 19:07 No.81


It is a rocky area with a good view on the banks of the Kumano River. With the construction of Sanjusangendo in Kyoto, it is recorded that the shells that signal the work were blown when the purlins were taken out from the toothpick district in Mie prefecture on the opposite bank. It is a thick sandstone layer in the upper part of the Kumano Group deposited in the forearc basin, and is connected to the sandstone layer in Iwakura, Shiko.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 19:03 No.80

There are two Ippen Shonin name monuments, a semi-cursive script and a cursive script carved in sandstone. Recorded to have been damaged by the earthquake, the semi-cursive script is being repaired by surrounding it with rhyolite (quartz porphyry) stone. In the cursive script monument, there is a restored rhyolite (quartz porphyry) stone that seems to have been repaired, and it remains about 600 m down Iseji. About 1 km down Iseji, there is a giant sandstone boulder, and a copy of the Ippen Jonin name monument remains.

うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 18:59 No.79
新宮市・マップ17:N13 小雲取越


It is a Kumano pilgrimage route that connects Koguchi to Hongucho Ukegawa, Tanabe City. In the Shingu city area, there are many places that pass through the predominant zone of mudstone of the Kumano Group, and a gentle old road continues compared to Okumotorigoe, which crosses rhyolite (granular porphyry) made of magma.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 18:56 No.78
新宮市・マップ16:N9 谷口の石炭層


It is a coal layer with a thickness of about 20 cm sandwiched between the upper layers of the Kumano Group. Coal has a metallic luster and is easily distinguishable from other formations. This coal layer is a coal layer that was mined by the nearby Mikuma Coal Mine, but the area between them is cut by a fault. Seven coal mines in the Kumano coalfield were operating in this area.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 18:50 No.77
新宮市・マップ14:N8 田長(たなご)の猪岩

新宮市・マップ14:N8 田長(たなご)の猪岩

It is a large rock wall of rhyolite pyroclastic rock made from magma. It is a monolithic landscape reminiscent of a huge boar body. In the "Kii Meisho Zue", it is described as "It shows its shape and force like a beast. Isn't it the most strange mountain in the Kumano River?"


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 14:20 No.76


It is a steep valley formed by the erosion of the sandstone and mudstone alternating layers of the Kumano Group deposited in the forearc basin by the Wada River. It was created by an entrenched river where the Wada River erodes downward. There are fir, hemlock, native cypress, shii, quail, aster tenuipes, tricyrtis macrantii, hosta eel, etc. on this cliff, and it has a rich flora.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 14:16 No.75


It is a large outcrop of current ripple marks (ripple marks) that develop in the sandstone and mudstone alternating layers of the Kumano Group. It is a sedimentary structure formed by water currents on the surface of sand that was once the seabed. It then uplifted and is now left on the surface of a sandstone layer sloping 40-50 ° to the valley side.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 13:39 No.74


Horaiyama consists of rhyolite (granodiorite) made of magma. It is said that Johuku's party, who was ordered by Shikoutei, landed on Horaiyama. Since ancient times, it has been respected as a sacred mountain where God descends. It is an ancient ritual site facing the Kumano River, and there is Asuka Shrine at the southern foot of the mountain.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 13:22 No.73


It is a Kumano pilgrimage route that passes through the marine terrace that runs from Ojigahama to Miwasaki. Located at the southern end of Ojigahama, you can overlook Ojigahama on the road that crosses the rhyolite (granodiorite) made of magma. On the forest floor along the pilgrimage route, you can see the gravel of the terraced gravel layer, as well as the itabi with the six-character name of Namu Amida Buddha and the stone Buddha of Jizo, which leave the impression of the pilgrimage route.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 13:15 No.72
新宮市・マップ3:E10 王子ヶ浜 


Ojigahama is a sandbar (gravel) formed by the transport and sedimentation of coastal currents from the sand gravel carried to the mouth of the Kumano River. Such a coast continues from Shingu City to Kumano City. You can enjoy the scenery open to the Pacific Ocean and the sound of gravel hitting while being swept away by the waves. Loggerhead turtle spawning ground. It is a place to worship Shinto rituals.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 13:12 No.71
新宮市・那智勝浦町・マップ10:N12 大雲取越


It is a Kumano pilgrimage route that connects Mt. Nachi to Koguchi. From Mt. Nachi to the vicinity of the trunk slope, it is a difficult place to visit Kumano because it crosses a steep massif made of rhyolite (granodiorite) made of magma. It is a pilgrimage route over mountains that is often covered with clouds as the south wind blows up from the Pacific Ocean.


うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 13:09 No.70


It is a shrine without a shrine on the banks of the Akagi River. A shrine without a shrine is one of the characteristics of the sanctuary in Nanki Kumano. It enshrines a group of giant stones on the banks of the river, which was formed by the collapse of the thick sandstone formation of the Kumano Group. This thick sandstone layer is the upper sandstone layer of the Kumano Group deposited in the forearc basin. Around the end of the Taisho era, it was enshrined at Takakura Shrine at Hitari.

Google 翻訳

うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 13:01 No.69


It is a boulder of the thick sandstone formation of the Kumano Group. The name of the elliptical stone comes from the fact that it contains nodules that resemble a rug called an ellipse, which is made by weaving straw and other materials into a spiral shape. It is a legendary rock where the gods of Kumanosanzan gathered and talked, and the main Buddha of Kumanosanzan surrounded by a circle is carved in a Chinese character on the mossy surface.

google 翻訳使用

うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 09:26 No.67
Re: 新宮市・マップ11:円座石(わろうだいし)
Waroda-ishi Rock

Waroda 円座 means "round shaped cushion" and ishi means "rock". The three symbols carved into Waroda-ishi are called Bonji 梵字,Sanskrit characters assigned to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
From left to right they represent Kannon(Bodhisattva of Mercy), Yakushi (Medicine Buddha of Healing) and Amida (Buddha of Compassion and Wisdom), which are worshipped at Kumano Nachi Taisha, Kumano Hayatama Taisha and Kumano Hongu Taisha respectively.
According to the Shinto-Buddhist syncretism philosophy of the region, the localShinto deities are considered manifestations of the above Buddhist figures.
It is here that the Kumano deities are believed to meet and chat over tea.
熊野古道 英語ガイドブックより
うえもり う 2022/01/19(Wed) 12:38 No.68
新宮市・マップ18:N14 万才峠道

新宮市・マップ18:N14 万才峠道


It is a part of Iseji on the Kumano pilgrimage route from Shiko along the Kumano River to Kogumotorigoe. It is an old road with villages until the Meiji era and old stone walls. The upper layer of the Kumano Group is distributed , and if you go down Ise Road toward Shiko, you will find the remains of the Shiko coal mine on the way.

福本 三智代

うえもり う 2022/01/17(Mon) 19:41 No.66
新宮市・マップ7:E3 神倉山のゴトビキ岩

新宮市・マップ7:E3 神倉山のゴトビキ岩


Rhyolite (granular porphyry) made from magma is a huge rock that is weathered and sits on the slope of the mountain in the form of a toad. Such rounded and weathered rocks are called core stones. It is the center of the Kumano Oto Festival (nationally designated important intangible folk cultural property).

福本 三智代
Google 翻訳 使用

うえもり う 2022/01/17(Mon) 19:37 No.65
IC/英語ガイド挨拶文 平野さん

Hello everyone. My name is Hirano and I will guide you today. Thank you. Actually, I can't speak English at all. I have learned this English now. If you have any questions, please speak slowly and in short words to this translation machine.

うえもり う 2022/01/17(Mon) 14:01 No.64
E16 新宮城址

It is the ruins of the castle of Mr. Mizuno, the lord of the Shingu feudal lord. It is built on a mountain of rhyolite made of magma. Rhyolite (granular porphyry) is also used for the stone walls of the castle, and an approach road is built near Otemon, which is easy to defend by utilizing the joints of rhyolite (granular porphyry). Facing the Kumano River, it is built at the center of river and sea transportation, and there is a charcoal barn along the river.

うえもり う 2022/01/17(Mon) 13:09 No.63
一枚岩 福辻様作成

一枚岩 英文例

うえもり う 2022/01/16(Sun) 20:19 No.60
Re: 一枚岩 福辻様作成
うえもり う 2022/01/16(Sun) 20:20 No.61
Re: 一枚岩 福辻様作成
【一枚岩】こうやって文字にすると自信がありません。 でも何となく通じると思います。 これは山ですか?岩ですか? 一枚岩と呼ばれる日本で一番大きな岩です。 日本のエアーズロックとも呼ばれています。 実は今から1400万年前この地方はマグマの活動が活発でした。 マグマが地上に吹き出す時の通り道の壁の一部が残った物です。 Is this a mountain, or a rock? It is the largest rock in Japan called Ichimai-iwa rock ,a monolith. Also known as Ayers Rock in Japan. In fact, this area was active by active magma 14millon years ago. This rock is a part of the wall of the path when the magma blows out.

うえもり う 2022/01/16(Sun) 20:21 No.62


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うえもり 2019/05/23(Thu) 22:28 No.48

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