高池の虫喰岩 マップ71に準拠

高池の虫喰岩 Mushikui-Iwa Rock
蜂の巣のような不思議なかたちの岩ですね。地元では虫が食べたような岩、虫喰岩と呼んでいます。何がこんなかたちにしたのでしょうね? ハチでしょうか?魔物でしょうか?
岩の上の方を見てください。小屋のようなものが見えますが、 人の住居ではなく、今から200年近く前にここを訪れた修験者が人々の幸せを願って木の仏像を納めた小屋です。今は仏像は岩の下に移されています。

Look! What a fantastic honeycomb rock ! People call this “worm-eaten rock”. What made such a fantastic shape ? Bees or monsters?
This rock is a kind of igneous rock, and a part of long wall of huge caldera (Kumano-caldera) that appeared about 14 million years ago.
This wall is said to be the largest rock dike in the world. It is said the volcanic ash from Kumano- caldera would lower world temperature about 10 degrees centigurade.
We will visit the famous rock Ichimai-Iwa Monolith later. It located at the west end of the dike.
Please look up this rock, you would find something like a hut. That is not a hut for human residence but for buddha statues.
They were made by a visiting yamabushi(ascetic trainer) praying for people's happiness about 200 years ago. Now, the buddha statues were moved on the ground, so we can see them.

うえもり う 2022/01/21(Fri) 00:12 No.215
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