ジオパークセンター 入り口パネル

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うえもり う 2022/01/21(Fri) 21:47 No.223
Re: ジオパークセンター 入り口パネル
Three Landmasses Formed by the Convergence of Tectonic Plates: Nanki Kumano Geopark

The accretionary prism, the forearc basin sediment, and the igneous rock body are three geological formations created by the convergence of oceanic and continental plates. In the Nanki Kumano area, these formations are the stage for stunning natural wonders and diverse ecosystems. It was also the birthplace of the Kumano faith and its unique culture.

Experiencing the Nature and Culture of Kumano

A geopark is a place where researchers and local communities work together to conserve and utilize the precious things from the earth.
You will be able to experience the relationship between humanity and the land`s resources while learning about the history of the Earth.

Plate Subduction Forms 3 Landmasses

More than a dozen tectonic plates cover the surface of the Earth. At the western edge of the Pacific Ocean, oceanic plates (tectonic plates in the ocean) were subducted under continental plates(tectonic plates that contain continents). The subduction of these plates created the geological formations that created this region.

70 Million - 20 Million Years Ago

The Accretionary Prism
As the oceanic plate was subducted under the continental plate, sediment accumulated in the ocean trench, and was pushed into the continent. This process created the accretionary prism upon which all of the Nanki Kumano area rests.

18 Million - 15 Million Years Ago

Forearc Basin Sediment
The ocean side of the accretionary prism was pushed upward, creating a tray-like depression where mud, sand, and other material that flowed from the continent collected. That buildup of sedimentation created the landmass that has come to be known as a forearc basin.

15 Million - 14 Million Years Ago

Igneous Body
A large amount of magma from deep within the Earth rose up through the accretionary prism and forearc basin. The lava that made it to the surface, as well as the magma still underground cooled off and hardened to create an igneous body, or a pluton.
Joshua 2022/10/14(Fri) 13:39 No.342
Re: ジオパークセンター 入り口パネル
yfcrlbih 2024/09/19(Thu) 03:19 Home No.425
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